Photo gallery of our tours in South of Morocco

In the Sahara South East of Morocco, there is a village called El M'Hamid Ghizlane.

The paved roads end here! Just like time! It is here that our caravan starts the journey. We walk along the Oued Draa bed and continue walking along the palm trees before entering the big desert.

Our secret hope- to reach his distant line where sky and earth merge. We can feel the Hamada stones slip and slither under our feet. The sun hits us from hour to hour. the sun shares its love with us from time to time.

We stop to rest and eat under a Tamarisk tree planted in the middle of nowhere! Just in time to understand that even an orange fruit can be the most precious thing on earth. The essential is slowly replaced by the superflous till we reach thesea sand. we are finally ready to listen to the silence of the moment.

Like an echo in the light of the stars, the sand bread and the tea which are cooking will give us the necessary breath to to offer our bodies some dance before we hit the hay and drift off to sleep.